On Premise Solutions

DGVox Speechlogix


Record & Archive

DGVox is the flagship product of SpeechLogix. DGVox is designed to record and archive telephone conversations, be it IP,  Digital or Analog. DGVox is extensively used to meet recording needs in Call Centers, Banks, Government establishments, Defense, Security, Utilities, Transportation and several other industries.


Call Accounting Solution

SpeechBill is a web based call accounting and costing solution which enables costing, budgeting and tracking of all communication costs. As a management tool, SpeechBill can generate reports on telecom usage by allocating costs to departments, cost & profits centers and even customers.

SpeechBill Call Accounting Solution
AQMonitoring Utility Module- SpeechLogix


Utility Module

DGVox AQM is one of the most useful utility module of DGVox for Contact Centers and BPOs. AQM is used for detailed evaluation of calls by the agents based on the customizable forms and score cards which can be created based on the business requirements.


Call Center solution which is suitable for Inbound and Outbound call centers

CCTel is a complete Contact Center solution for both inbound and outbound calling. It is a comprehensive package with full extended functionality including IVR, skill based routing, auto dialer, CRM integration, campaign management, detailed usage reports and many other features. It is simple to deploy and configure to your requirements. It is fully integrated with our voice recording, call accounting and quality monitoring solutions as well.

CCTel- SpeechLogix
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